More than 3,5 billion euro is the total turnover for Greek e-shops

b 200 200 249 tziros-eshop-elladaA turnover of over 3,5 billion euro per year is the estimated amount for Greek e-shops, which not only do not lack in anything compared to the similar foreign ones, but in most cases are better.
The above mentioned result is after research was made by the Financial University of Athens for the year 2013.

Greek internet users select their purchases through the web in a percentage of 35% and increasing. Also, Greek e-shops offer generally a high quality of services and continuously upgrade their quality levels in means of service.
In the study, a total of 2300 e-shops were evaluated, from the 5000 and more operative in Greece. The research showed that the 70% of them offer all the necessary services and abilities to their customers.
7 in 10 e-shops are complete concerning the mentioning of information for their policy, disclosure, personal data and the “terms of use”. Greek e-shops that were checked have a percentage of 92% in search tools usage easiness, while the 84% of them clearly state before the purchase of the product the prices and product full characteristics.
95% of e-shops offer multiple abilities of payment. The most popular way is payment on arrival, while 81% of the e-shops give the option of paying with credit card.
Our conclusion is that the real turnover through internet purchases in Greece way bigger than 3,5 billion euro, since first of all, not nearly half of the e-shops can not generate a certain image and secondly, the turnover from simple presentation sites was not estimated at all, were orders are made mainly by telephone, after a simple presentation of the product on his site.
Third of all, no e-shop would state the true turnover in a public research, having the fear to being heard by the Greek revenue services.
Taking in concern the above criteria, anyone can conceive the true turnover of e-shops in Greece.